Art for All

Colette’s Canvas is here to give every kid the opportunity to create art.

Letter from the Founder

My name is Colette Brille and I’m a rising 8th grader in New York City. I’ve been a passionate artist since I can remember. I can’t imagine my life without art. It’s through art that I learn about myself and get in touch with my emotions. I want to give all kids the opportunity to have an arts education like I was lucky enough to have throughout my life. I believe that art is therapeutic and teaches people how to express themselves. Especially after a lonely and scary year with the COVID-19 pandemic, and the fact that art was not offered in many schools this past year, I wanted to start Colette’s Canvas. My goal is to give every kid I can the opportunity to create art.

What We Do

We distribute art supplies to kids in underserved communities so that all kids can have access to an arts education.

We raise funds to purchase art supplies and work with local partner organizations in New York City, Puerto Rico, and Sri Lanka to connect students with art materials and art instruction.